conference news

Catch up on Conference Sessions

We had a great time bringing the 2021 MacDeployment Conference to you. Thanks to some speedy work by our video specialist Ben Leavitt, all of the sessions from the conference are uploaded to our new YouTube Channel. We will also be adding links to the Sessions page to make them easier to reference, since that page divides the sessions into their original presentation blocks.

Thanks for making this year’s event our best-attended ever! We hope to see more of you at our meetups and our next conference, schedule for June 2023.


Welcome to our New Site

As a part of an internal system migration at the University of Calgary, we needed to transition to a new platform (WordPress), so we took that opportunity to give the site a bit of a refresh. It also allowed us to rethink the priorities of this site, which had previously been Conference-centric. Now that meetups are an important part of our identity, we have added this blog section to make it easier to keep you up to date on our ongoing activities.

We still have all the resources from past conferences posted for your reference. We look forward to meeting with all of you again soon, whether virtually or in person.