
WWDC Watch Party 2

It has now become an annual tradition to meet as a Calgary Mac Admins community to watch the WWDC Keynote. Big thanks to Trevor Morris for organizing this as well as the sponsors that cover the costs. Looking forward to seeing you there! (Need more details? See the #macdeploy channel in the Mac Admins Slack.)

conference meetup

Meetup Feb. 1

Our next meetup is Wednesday, February 1

Please respond in the #macdeploy channel in the MacAdmins Slack to confirm you’re attending, as there is a capacity limit of 10 at this venue. Parking is available at the building, at the lot next door, and on nearby streets.


June 2022 Meetup

Our first in-person meetup in over two years will be held on Wednesday, June 15 starting at 6:30 p.m. at Communo Space (1025 10 St SE, Calgary, AB). We plan to meet outdoors (yes, the rain should have stopped by then). There is (paid) parking nearby. If you plan to be there, drop in to the MacAdmins Slack to let us know. Thanks to Adam Berti of Berti Group for organizing this meetup.


Meetup Jan. 21

To be or not to be? That is the question we will be asking about the 2021 MacDeployment Conference when we next meet on Thursday, January 21 at 6:30 p.m. (UTC -7 for those following along outside of Alberta). Whether you’ve attended the conference in the past or have been a supporter, you are welcome to join us to discuss whether our next gathering should be in person or virtual, this year or next. We are also looking for people interested in joining the committee that operates the Conference.

Information on how to join our virtual gathering are posted to the #macdeploy channel of the MacAdmins Slack.


September 2020 Meetup

We were thrilled to have Marcus Ransom join our meetup all the way from Melbourne, Australia to chat about the upcoming EveryWorld Conference (a COVID-inspired combination of three different Apple-centric conferences in Australia/New Zealand) and his session at the 2020 Jamf Nation User Conference.

As well, there was the usual level of social discourse and Roy Miguens was nice enough to give us an impromptu demo of the SimpleMDM beta featuring Munki integration. We had attendees from Calgary and Edmonton (as well as Melbourne).

Looking forward to seeing you at our next meetup!